2005.02.05 (六) - 第三十八次每月青韻民歌音樂派對 - 民歌雙子星

日期 2005-02-06 01:51:00 | 文章主題: 01. 推廣民歌

特別嘉賓 : 民歌雙子星 Henry & Richard
內容 : 吉他、民歌分享、觀眾即席表演及民歌大合唱
地點 : 香港筲箕灣寶文道一號筲箕灣青年空間二樓禮堂 (MTR 望隆街出口)
日期 : 2005/02/05 星期六 (風雨不改)
時間 : 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
費用 : 免費 (座位有限,先到先得 。 :)
查詢 : Florence Leung 梁木蘭姑娘 (本組導師)
電話: 2885 9353
傳真: 2884 3353
電郵: sw@hkfyg.org.hk

“Henry & Richard”介紹

Henry & Richard (H&R) have been co-operating seamlessly with each other 9 months before their birth. As the older twin and apart from footing all the bills, Henry takes the lead in the vocal while Richard perfects it with various musical instrument and harmonic vocal. H&R play folk and rock songs in the ‘70s. They are crazy about singing in harmony and have been commended “Mellow, and as smooth as silk, their voices blended so well with each other as if the vocals were overdubbed!” in a recent singing competition.
: )

Fornia, Ivy & Tony

Ann Chiu & Her Husband

一葉舟 & Tony

Sim & Michael

Brother Rod

Full House Tonight

Michael's Talk

Michael was introducing our guest tonight!

民歌雙子星 Henry & Richard

本篇新聞文章來自 青韻民歌網
