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µoªíªÌ | °Q½×¤º®e |
Sim | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-21 04:48 |
«CÃý¨å°ó¯Å¥Áºq¦n¤Í µù¥U¤é: 2004-04-28 ¨Ó¦Û: µoªí¼Æ: 1439 |
¬ü°ê§å±K½X ¬ü°ê§å±K½X
¡y¹F¤å¦è±K½X¡z¤@®Ñ¡A¥H¤p»¡§Î¦¡»¡¥X¤F«Ü¦h©v±Ð¤¤ÁôÂ꺲Ÿ¹¤Î±K½X¡A ·í¤¤¥H²{¹ê¨Æª«¬ï´¡¨ä¤¤¡A¦¨¥\¦aµê¹ê¿Ä·|¡C ¦]¬°¯A¤ÎÅå¥@¤j³±¿Ñ¡A©Ò¥H¦¨¬°¥þ²yºZ¾P¤p»¡¡A ·ÀY¤@®ÉµL¨â¡C ¦Ó¦b34¦~«e¡A¬ü°ê¤@º¬y¦æºq¥ç¦¤w±N²Å¸¹¾Ç¹B¥Î¦b¥v¸Ö¦¡ªººqµü¤¤¡A Áô±â¦a¹D¥X¬ü°ê50-60¦~¥Nªº¼Ö»P«ãµ¼Ö¾ú¥v¡A ¤Îµ²¦X¤F¤@¨Ç¬Fªv¨Æ¥ó¡A ºqµü°£¤F²`ÀßÃø©ú¤§¥~¡A¥ç·N¹³Â×´I¡A ·í¤¤¤S¥[´¡¤F¤j¶q¬ü°ê¥¥Á·í®Éªº¦¨ªø¦^¾Ð¡A¥[¤W±Û«ßÀu¬ü¡A·¥«×®e©ö¤W¤fªº°Æºq±a°Ê¥X¨Óªº·P¬V¤O¡A ¥O³oººq¦¨¬°Ãm¥@¸g¨å¡C ³oººq«KDon McleanªºAmerican Pie¡A¤¤¤å¥iĶ§@¡y¬ü°ê§å¡z¡C American Pie¦Û1971¦~µo¦æ¥H¨Ó¡A¦¨¬°¥þ²y¦U¦aªº¤j¼öªº¬y¦æ¦±¡A µL½×«·sµo¦æ©ÎMadonna½°Û¡A³£¦¨¬°¬y¦æº]º©Î«e¦Cªººq¦±¡C ¬ü°êThe Recording Industry Association of America±q365º¡y¥@¬ö¦W¦±¡z¤§¤¤¡A ¿ï¤F¬ü°ê§å¬°20¥@¬ö¦W¦±²Ä5¦ì¡AÅã¥Ü¨ä¦a¦ì¶WµM¡C¡]²Ä¢°¦ìÅý¤j®a²q¤@²q¡^ 2002¦~American Pie³Q¦C¤J®æªL¬üHall of Fame·µ°ó¤¤ 2004¦~¡ADon McLean¥»¨¥ç³Q¿ï¬° National Academy of Popular Music Songwriters' Hall of Fame¤§¤¤¡C ¬Û«HAmerican Pie³o¦¨¦W§@¬°¥L±a¨ÓªººaÅA°^Äm¤£¤Ö¡E ¦ÓAmerican Pie³Ì¬°¥@¤H¬z¬z¼Ö¹D¤Îª§Ä³ªº¡A«K¬O¨äºqµü©Òªí¹Fªº·N¸q¨ì©³¬O¬Æ»ò¡C ¦h¦~¨Ó¡ADon McLean¦Û¤v³£¤£½Í½×American Pie©Òªí¹Fªº·N¸q¡A ¥L¬O¨è·NÅý¤H¦Û¤v¥h´¢´ú±ÀºV¡A´X¤Q¦~¨Ó¡A¹ïAmerican Pieªº¸Ñºc¥X²{¦hÓª©¥»¡A ·í¤¤¦³Don McLean¦¨ªøªº®É¥NI´º¡A¹d²ÓµL¿ò¡A©âµ·éõªº¤ÀªR¡A ¦ý¦Ü¤µ¤´µM¨S¦³¤@ӦʤÀ¦Ê¤½»{ªº¥¿½Tª©¥»¡C ¨ä¹ê¡A¥unDon McLean¤@¤é¤£¦Û¤v¥X¨Ó»¡²M·¡¡A¤@¤é³£¤£¥i¯à¦³¤@ӦʤÀ¦Êªº¥¿½Tª©¥»¡A ¦]¬°´Nºâ®³¥h¤H¤jÄÀªk¡A¤]¨S¥i¯à½T©w¨ì§@ªÌ¥»¤Hªºì·N¡C Donªº©x¤èºô¶¥u»¡American Pie¬O¥ÑBuddy Hollyªº¦º¡A ¥H©â¶Hªº¤º®e¤Ï¬M¤FDon¥Ñ¤Ö¦~ªº¯Â¼ä¥ú©ú¡A ¹L´ç¦Ü¦¨ªøn±¹ïªº¶Â·t²{¹êªºÓ¤HÅé·|¡A ·í¤¤¥¿¤Ï¬M¤F50¦~¥N¦Ü60¦~¥N¥¼ªº¬y¦æµ¼Ö¡A ¤Î¤@¨Ç¬FªvÂàÅÜ¡C ¸g¹L10¦~ºc·Q¤ÎÄÆC¥X¨Óªº¡y¬ü°ê§å¡z¡Aªø8¤À36¬í¡A ³Ìªì¦L»s®É¡An¥Î¤F·í®É¬y¦æªº45Âà°Û¤ùsideA¤Î sideB¡A ¤~¯à¥þ¦±¦¬¿ý¡C ¦Ó¨äºqµü¤º®eªº§t¸qªº²q´ú§ó¾î¸Ø¥@¬ö¡C ¸Ñ½X¬£ªº¥D¬y·N¨£³£¬O¥ÑA Long Long Time Ago¡A §Y50¦~¥NBuddy Hollyªº·nÂ\¸õ»Rµ¼Ö¦^¾Ð¶}©l¡A §Y¬ODon McLean«C¤Ö¦~´Á¦¨ªøªº¦~¥N¶}©l¡A ª½¦ÜThe Day The Music Die, §YBuddy Holly, »P¥t¥~¨âºq¤âRichie Valens ("La Bamba") and The Big Bopper ¡]¯u¦WJP Richardson¡^¡A ¦b1959¦~2¤ë3¤é¡A¼²¾÷·N¥~¨¤`¦Ó¤Þ°_ªººØºØÓ¤H·P¨ü¡A ¥H¦Ü¹ï·í®É¡]60¦~¥N¡^¼Ö»P«ãµ¼Ö¤wÅܱo¤Ó°Ó·~¤Æ¡A ¥¢¥h¤F©õ¤é¯Â¯uªº·P´n¡A¦A±À¤ÎªÀ·|¤å¤ÆÅܾEªº¤jÃD¥Ø¡C Buddy Hollyµ¼ÖÃþ«¬¬°Rock & Roll¤ÎRockabilly ¥Lªº¦º°T¥O·í®É°µ¬£³ø¯ÈªºDon¾_¾Ù, ¦¨¬°ºqµü"But February made me shiver, with every parper I delivered" ¦]¬°ºqµü¤¤ºØºØ·N¹³¡A³£¬O«Ü¦h¾Ô«á¥X¥@ªº¬ü°ê¤Hªº¦¨ªø¼g·Ó¡A ¨Ò¦pŪ®Ñ®ÉªºGYM¤¤¬£¹ï¡A(When I saw you dancing in the gym) ¥Nªíªø¤j¦¨¤H¡A¥i¥H¿W¥ß¬ù·|²§©Êªº¯»¬õªá§ô(with a pink carnation and a pickup truck)©Ò¥H¬Æ±o¬ü°ê¤H¦@»ï¡C ·íµMÁÙ¦³·í®É¬y¦æªº¸õ»Rµ¼ÖRock & Roll¡K. ¤£¹L¯Âºqµü·N¹³¡A¤£¨¬¥H¥O¬ü°ê§å¦¨¬°Ãm¥@¸g¨å¡C ³Ì¥O¤HÅå¹Äªº¡A´N¬Oºqµü¤¤¦UºØ¶H¼x²Å¸¹¡A¤Î¥v¸Ö¦¡ªº¥Î¥y¡A ¤]¨Ï¬ü°ê§å¦¨¬°¶Ç¥@³Ç§@¡C «Ü¦h¤H¡A¥]¬A§ÚÓ¤H¡A³£³Qºqµü¤¤ªºÁ¼»y¤@¼Ëªº·tÂ÷N«ä°g´b¡C ¨Ò¦pºq¦WAmerican Pie¥»¨¤v¨¬¥H¥O¤Hª±¨ý¡A¦b¦¹ºq±À¥X¤§«e¡A±q¨S¦³¤HÅ¥¹LAmerican Pie³o¦Wµü¡C ¡§So bye bye Miss American Pie¡¨¨ì©³¬O¬Æ»ò·N«ä¡H ½Ö¬OMiss American Pie¡H ¦b²³¦h¸Ñ½X¸àÄÀ¤§¤¤¡A°_½X¦³¨âÓ¸ÑÄÀ¡G 1/Don McLean´¿¸g¬ù·|¤@Ó¬ü°ê¤p©jÔ¿ï¨ÎÄR¡A¦o´N¬O¦bBuddy Holly¼²¾÷·í¤é¡A»PDon McLean¤À¤â¡C 2/Buddy Holly¼²¾÷¨¤`ªº¸¾÷´N¬O¦W¬°American Pie¡C ²Ä¤@Ó¸ÑÄÀ¥¼¸gµý¹ê¡A²Ä¤GÓ¸ÑÄÀ¡Aª½¦Ü1999¦~¡ADon McLean¤~µoªíÁn©ú§_»{¡A ¨Ã»¡©úAmerican Pie³oµü¬O¦Û¤v§@¥X¨Óªº¡C "the growing urban legend that "American Pie" was the name of Buddy Holly¡¦s plane the night it crashed, killing him, Ritchie Valens and the Big Boppper, is untrue. I created the term." - Don McLean, 1999 ¦Ü©ó¬°¦ó¥sAmerican Pie¡ADon¨ÌµM½æÃö¤l¡A¨S»¡Ó©ú¥Õ¡C ºq¤¤«Ü¦h¶H¼x²Å¸¹¡A¤Þ°_«Ü¦h¤Hªº¸Ñ½X·N±ý¡A¥X²{¤£¦Pª©¥»¡C ¦³½ìªº¬O¡A·í¤¤¥X²{¤F«Ü¦h¤j®a¼ôÃѪº¦W¦r¡G ¨Ò¦p¡G ¡§Moss grows fat on a rolling stone¡¨ ¨s³ºRolling Stone¬O«ü¥ÑFolkÂàÓ誱·nºuªºBob Dylan¡]¨ä¤@º¦W§@¬°Like A Rolling Stone¡^, ÁÙ¬Oª½«üDon Rolling Stones¤¤ªºMick Jagger©O¡H ¥ç¦³«ü¬OElvis Presley¡A©Î¬Oªx«ü¤@²³·nºu¼Ö¤â¡C ¡§When the jester sang for the King and Queen¡¨ ¦³«üJester(¤p¤¡)¬O«üBob Dylan¡A¥Ñ ¡§in a coat he borrowed from James Dean¡¨ ±ÀÂ_¥X¨Ó¡C ¦]¬°Bob Dylan¦b1963¦~±À¥XªºThe Freewheelin¡¦ ¡A ´N¬O¬ï¤F©MJames Dean¦bªü¸¥¿¶Ç¤¤ªº¥~®M´Ú¦â©MÃC¦â®t¤£¦h¡C James Dean¦bªü¸¥¿¶Ç¤¤ªº¥~®M´Ú¦â©MÃC¦â¡C The King¦³«ü¬OElvis Presley¡A¦]¬°Bob´¿»¡¹L·Q»PElvis(King Of Rock & Roll)»ô¦W, ±q¡¨Jester stole his thorny crown¡¨¤¤¬Ý¥X¤@¨ÇºÝÙ¡A¦]·í®ÉBobªº¦W®ð¦ü¥G¯uªº¶W¶V¤FElvis¡C king of rock and roll:Elvis Presley ¡§The quartet practiced in the park¡¨ «üBeatles¥|¤l¡A·nºu¼Ö¥ýÅX¡F ¥ç¦³«ü¬OPete SeegerªºWeavers¡A²{¥N¥Áºq¥ýÅX¡C Don´¿¦bPete SeegerªºClearwaterÀô«O²î¤W¦@¨Æ¡A«Ü¨üPete¼vÅT¡C ¡§The birds flew off with the fallout shelter Eight miles high and falling fast¡¨ The birds«üfolk-rock¼Ö¶¤The Byrds¡C 1966¦~,The Byrds±À¥X¤F¤@º¦W¬°¡¨ Eight Miles High¡¨ªººq¡C It landed foul on the grass The Byrd¡¦s¤@¦ì¦¨û¦]Â泤j³Â¡]§Y«UºÙ¯ó¡^¦Ó¨±Ñ¦Wµõ¡C The Byrds(³Ì¥ª¬°David Crosby,§Y«á´ÁCSNYªºC) ¡§While sergeants played a marching tune¡¨ ¦³«ü¬OBeatles( Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)ªºµ¼Ö¬Ox¾Þ¼Ö(Marching Tune)¡A ¤£¦A¬O¥H«eRock&Rollªº¸õ»Rµ¼Ö¡C Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Beatles ¡§And there we were all in one place ,A generation lost in space¡¨ ¡§in one place¡¨= Woodstock. ¡§A generation lost in space¡¨=hippies©Î«ü¤ÓªÅ®É¥N(µn³°¤ë²y)ªº«C¦~¤@¥N 1969¦~ªºWoodstock¡]J¤h¦«µ¼Ö·|¡^¡A§l¤Þ¤F¹L40¸U¤H¶°¦X©ó¦P¤@¦a¤è¡]Woodstockªþªñ¤@Ó¹A³õ¡^ ¡§So come on Jack be nimble Jack be quick¡¨ Jack¡×Mick Jagger,¡@¨ä¤£°±§á°Ê¨Åé¤w¦¨¬°¨ä¿W¯S»R«º¡C Mick Jagger, Rolling Stones ¡§I met a girl who sang the blues¡¨ «ü°ÛBluesªºJanis Joplin, ¡§And I asked her for some happy news But she just smiled and turned away¡¨ Janis 1970¦]ªA¹L¶q®ü¬¥^¦º¤` I met a girl who sang the blues¡A«üJanis Joplin ¥H¤W¥u¬O¬ü°ê§åºqµü¤¤ÁôÂ꺤@¨Çºq¤â¼Ö¶¤¦W¦r¡AÁÙ¦³¨ä¥Lªº¬G¨Æ¡A ¤ÎChorusªº·N«ä¡A¥i°Ñ¦Ò¥H¤U¤@ӳ̸ԺɪºAmerican Pieºqµü¸Ñ±K¡A ¥]¬A¦U¤è±ªºª©¥»¡C ¹E¥yºqµü¯}¸Ñ¡G http://www.rareexception.com/Garden/Pie.php ¥t¦³Don Mclean©x¤èºô¯¸³sµ²ªº¤@ÓAmerican Pieºqµü¸Ñ±K http://user.pa.net/~ejjeff/pie.html Don McLean¦b»´äªºConcert¤¤»¡¹L±NAmerican PieÄmµ¹Buddy Holly, ¦b¤¤¬q§ó¥[¤F¤@¬q¸û¬°¤Ö¦³ªº¹qµ²¥LSolo¡C ¤p§Ì²{³õ¸ò¥L¤@°_°ÛAmerican Pie®É¡A µoı¥L§ï¤F¤@¨Ç°Ûªk¡A¦p¤@¨Ç°ªµ³¡¥÷¡A ¦pMan I dig those rhythm & blues¤¤ªº¡§dig¡¨¤w§ï¤F¸û§Cµ°Ûªk¡C Don McLean Hong Kong Live 2004 «ö¦¹¬ÝDon Mclean°ÛAmnerica Pie¬Ã¶QVideo(7:49) 쥻David Crosby¼g¿ù¬°Bill Crosby,»ïÁÂMicheal¨û¨û´£¿ô, ¤w×¥¿ |
sampson | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-22 07:12 |
«CÃý¬O§Ú®a! µù¥U¤é: 2004-01-04 ¨Ó¦Û: µoªí¼Æ: 933 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X Very interesting.
Good job. Give us some more.... |
PhantomGTR | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-22 09:07 |
ª©¥D µù¥U¤é: 2003-12-09 ¨Ó¦Û: µ²¥L µoªí¼Æ: 1325 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X
PPM | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-22 18:33 |
«CÃý¨å°ó¯Å¥Áºq¦n¤Í µù¥U¤é: 2003-12-10 ¨Ó¦Û: µoªí¼Æ: 1352 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X hahahaha, ©O«×¥ò§ó¥[ detail
http://www.expectingrain.com/dok/div/americanpie.html ¦ý¦ÑDonËݦh¦~³£ÉN¥¿¦¡¥h¸àÄÀ¥þ¦±......
chanhonkit | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-22 19:58 |
¶}©l0«Y«CÃýªº±`«È³â¡C µù¥U¤é: 2004-05-29 ¨Ó¦Û: Hong Kong µoªí¼Æ: 100 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X ¦hÁ¦U¦ì´£¨Ñ~
Don McLean ¬O§Ú¤@¦ì¤Q¤ÀªY½àªººq¤â American Pie ¬O§Ú¤@º¤Q¤À³ßÅwªººq ·í®É§Ú¥þ¤é¥Ñ´Â¨ì±ß¤@ª½¼½ ¼½¨ì§Úªüô¸Ü¡K¡K§A°÷°Õ µ¥§Ú©ñ°²Ú»«{Ê\¥ý |
capofc | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-22 23:19 |
«CÃý¨å°ó¯Å¥Áºq¦n¤Í µù¥U¤é: 2004-02-26 ¨Ó¦Û: Central µoªí¼Æ: 1081 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X Great Sim and PPM!!!Bravo!!!
Smiles, Frankie (Capo) |
PPM | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-22 23:51 |
«CÃý¨å°ó¯Å¥Áºq¦n¤Í µù¥U¤é: 2003-12-10 ¨Ó¦Û: µoªí¼Æ: 1352 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X ¤Þ¤å:
Frankie, ¤Ü¦h¦~«e, §ÚÚ»¹L¤@¥»¥xÆWºq®Ñ³£¦³¤¶²Ð, ·í®É¯u«Y«éµM¤j®©, ì¨ÓAmerican Pie«Y¦³Áô³ë¬J, ¦ý«á¨Ó¤Sµoı¦ÑDon·í³£¹ï¦¹¦±ÉNÉA¤Ó¤j¬J¦^À³.
Sim | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-23 01:05 |
«CÃý¨å°ó¯Å¥Áºq¦n¤Í µù¥U¤é: 2004-04-28 ¨Ó¦Û: µoªí¼Æ: 1439 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X ¦ÑDon¤£¦^À³¡A¤£¿Ë¦Û¸Ñ¸ÜAmerican Pie¬O¤@ÓÁo©ú°µªk¡A
¦]¬°¥u¦³³o¼Ë¤~¤o¯à¥OAmerican Pie«O«ù¤@©w¯«¯µ·P¡A ¤@ª½³Q¤H½Í½×¤U¥h¡C ¤ñ³ë»¡¡AYDavid Copperfield¦Û¤v½ðÃz¤FÅ]³N¤¤ªºÃߧ®¡AÅ]³Nªº§l¤Þ¤O«K¤j´î¡C §Nª¾ÃѺô¯¸Straight Dope¥D«ù¤HCecil Adams´¿¼g«Hµ¹¦ÑDon, ½Ð±ÐAmerican Pieªº¤@¨ÇÁô³ë¡A ¥H¤U¾ÚºÙ¬°Don McLeanªº¦^«H¡G Dear Cecil: As you can imagine, over the years I have been asked many times to discuss and explain my song "American Pie." I have never discussed the lyrics, but have admitted to the Holly reference in the opening stanzas. I dedicated the album American Pie to Buddy Holly as well in order to connect the entire statement to Holly in hopes of bringing about an interest in him, which subsequently did occur. This brings me to my point. Casey Kasem ¡]¬ü°ê¤@Ó¹q¥x¦W¤H¡^never spoke to me and none of the references he confirms my making were made by me. You will find many "interpretations" of my lyrics but none of them by me. Isn't this fun? Sorry to leave you all on your own like this but long ago I realized that songwriters should make their statements and move on, maintaining a dignified silence. --Don McLean, Castine, Maine Source:http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a3_398b.html ==================================== ¡y¼Ö¡z½ì¡G American Pie, »PStairway to Heaven, Hey Jude, MacArthur Park, ³£¬O^¬ü¹q¥x°Û¤ùÃM®v»Ýn¥h¬~¤â¶¡®É¼½ºqªº¼Ð·Ç¿ï¾Ü, ¦]¬°®É¶¡°÷ªø¡C ¡y¼Ö¡z½ì¡×µ¼Ö½ì®Æby Sim |
ªü²K | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-23 02:37 |
ºô¯¸ºÞ²zû µù¥U¤é: 2003-12-08 ¨Ó¦Û: ÀA¤W¸ô µoªí¼Æ: 4337 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X
Sim | µoªí®É¶¡: 2005-03-24 20:19 |
«CÃý¨å°ó¯Å¥Áºq¦n¤Í µù¥U¤é: 2004-04-28 ¨Ó¦Û: µoªí¼Æ: 1439 |
Re: ¬ü°ê§å±K½X American Pie¤jºÐ¤¤¥i»¡¬Oºº¥¿ºq.
1. American Pie 2. Till Tomorrow 3. Vincent 4. Crossroads 5. Winterwood 6. Empty Chairs 7. Everybody Loves Me, Baby 8. Sister Fatima 9. The Grave 10. Babylon ·í¤¤¸û¤Ö¤H´£ªºThe Grave³£¦n¦nÅ¥, 2003¦~George Micheal½°Û¹L¡C ¦pªGGeorge¾Ç®R©jËݽ°Ûhit d¬Jºq, ¦pVincent, ¥i¯à¤S·|¥Oººq¦AHIT¹L, Ú»¤U´X®ÉÃäÓËÝ¿ô¥Ø嘞¡E ¥H¤U«ö¦r¦³ºqÅ¥ George Micheal 2003¦~½°ÛDon McLeanªºThe Grave ·í¦~¦ÑDon¦p¦¹¦^À³: I am proud of George Michael for standing up for life and sanity. I am delighted that he chose a song of mine to express these feelings. We must remember that the Wizard is really a cowardly old man hiding behind a curtain with a loud microphone. It takes courage and a song to pull the curtain open and expose him. Good Luck George- Don McLean The Grave: Lyrics The grave that they dug him had flowers Gathered from the hillsides in bright summer colors And the brown earth bleached white At the edge of his gravestone He’s gone When the wars of our nation did beckon The man, barely twenty, did answer the calling Proud of the trust That he placed in our nation He’s gone But eternity knows him And it knows what we’ve done And the rain fell like pearls On the leaves of the flowers Leaving brown, muddy clay Where the earth had been dry And deep in the trench He waited for hours As he held to his rifle And prayed not to die But the silence of night Was shattered by fire As the guns and grenades Blasted sharp through the air One after another His comrades were slaughtered In the morgue of marines Alone, standing there He crouched ever lower Ever lower, with fear “They can’t let me die They can’t let me die here! I’ll cover myself With the mud and the earth I’ll cover myself I know I’m not brave! The earth, the earth The earth is my grave.? The grave that they dug him had flowers Gathered from the hillsides in bright summer colors And the brown earth bleached white At the edge of his gravestone He¡¦s’s gone Don McLean쪩The Grave¸ÕÅ¥ ¤W¤å±NDavid Crosby¼g¿ù¬°Bill Crosby,»ïÁÂMicheal¨û¨ûemail´£¿ô, ²{¤w×¥¿ |
(1) 2 » |
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