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     新手一問 - 左手的結他

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發表時間: 2006-02-28 17:40
註冊日: 2004-01-01
來自: N.T.
發表數: 682
Re: 新手一問
Hi Kevin,

I personally think it all depends on yourself.

(1) You can play a normal guitar exactly same as a normal right handed player plays. Left hand for playing on the fingerboard & right hand to attack the strings. Like Colocat says, you just might play chords easier with your left hand. ( Like Sonar says, not so difficult)

(2) You can play a left handed guitar i.e. the strings are reversed from treble to bass. The playing would be like a normal right handed player with everything reversed. BUT all the theories and movements are same as a right handed player reversed. This way you can pick up things from all normal right handed players because movements are the same except reversed.

(3) You can play a right handed guitar but swing it to the other side i.e. the right hand plays on the fingerboard and your left hand attacks the strings. This way everthing is played upside down. This is OK if you play lead guitar where single notes are played mostly. But when you play chords, you will be striking the strings from the treble strings first then towards the bass. If you play fingerstyle, you will use your thumb to play the single notes on the treble strings and one of the fingers to play the bass ( try to watch and listen to Elizabeth Cotton play. I was totally amazed the first time I heard her play 'Freight Train' which is of course written by her a hundred years ago) The movements and even sounds are different.

So it is up to you. I might advise that if you plan to learn from tutors, it will make the work of your teacher much easier if you decide to play a normal right handed guitar like a right handed guy (1) or a left-handed guitar (2).

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主旨: 發表者 日期
   新手一問 - 左手的結他 kelvin.tong 2006-02-28 02:39
     Re: 新手一問 colacat 2006-02-28 09:54
     Re: 新手一問 sonar 2006-02-28 10:11
       Re: 新手一問 colacat 2006-02-28 10:28
   » Re: 新手一問 RodFoo 2006-02-28 17:40
       Re: 新手一問 PPM 2006-02-28 19:30
       Re: 新手一問 kelvin.tong 2006-02-28 21:38
         Re: 新手一問 kelvin.tong 2006-03-01 00:11
           Re: 新手一問 Sim 2006-03-01 00:31
             Re: 新手一問 KO小魚 2006-03-01 23:42
     Re: 新手一問 阿東 2006-02-28 20:12
       Re: 新手一問 simonkwan 2006-02-28 21:10
         Re: 新手一問 capofc 2006-02-28 21:40
           Re: 新手一問 simonkwan 2006-02-28 22:05

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