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     07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings

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發表時間: 2007-07-11 22:03
註冊日: 2005-04-05
來自: M.A.D
發表數: 302
Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings
Christine 寫道:
很高興剛好7月份有假期, 可以到數碼港欣賞在週末下午舉行的音樂會, 此次之後要待三年才可以再有機會在週末放假閒逛了~~^^

Dear Christine,


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主旨: 發表者 日期
   07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings 阿添 2007-06-29 11:56
     Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings stephanie 2007-06-29 12:57
       Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings sampson 2007-07-08 14:28
         Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Qiang's 123 2007-07-08 22:16
           Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Michael叔叔 2007-07-09 01:41
             Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings capofc 2007-07-09 11:07
               Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Qiang's 123 2007-07-09 21:44
                 Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Michael叔叔 2007-07-11 01:16
                   Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Qiang's 123 2007-07-11 21:21
         Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Christine 2007-07-11 22:00
         » Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings adamchow 2007-07-11 22:03
             Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Christine 2007-07-11 22:16
               Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings sampson 2007-07-12 00:21
                 Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Christine 2007-07-12 14:34
                   Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings sampson 2007-07-13 08:56
       Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Dickson 2007-07-12 15:59
         Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings stephanie 2007-07-23 22:26
           Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Qiang's 123 2007-07-27 22:44
             Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings stephanie 2007-08-03 11:49
               Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings Qiang's 123 2007-08-06 20:11
           Re: 07.07.2007 (Sat) - Cyberport Sing a Fest with M.A.D. & Young Strings 阿添 2007-08-02 16:48

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