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     My Oklahoma Home - Bruce Springsteen's Record in 2006

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發表時間: 2006-11-25 12:02
註冊日: 2003-12-08
來自: 錦上路
發表數: 4326
My Oklahoma Home - Bruce Springsteen's Record in 2006

When they opened up the strip I was young and full of zip,
I wanted some place to call my own.
And so I made the race, and staked me out a place,
And settled down along the Cimarron.

It blowed away, it blowed away,
My Oklahoma home, it blowed away.
It looked so green and fair when I built my shanty there,
But my Oklahoma home, it blowed away.

I planted wheat and oats, got some chickens and some shoats,
Aimed to have some ham and eggs to feed my face.
Got a mule to pull the plow, got an old red muley cow
And got a fancy mortgage on the place.

It blowed away, it blowed away,
All the crops I planted blowed away.
You can't grow any grain if you ain't got any rain;
All except the mortgage blowed away.

It looked so green and fair, when I built my shanty there,
I figured I was all set for life.
I put on my Sunday best with my fancy scalloped vest
And went to town and picked me out a wife.

She blowed away, she blowed away
My Oklahoma woman blowed away.
Mister as I bent and kissed her, she was picked up by a twister;
My Oklahoma woman blowed away.

Then I was left alone a-listenin' to the moan
Of the wind around the corners of my shack;
So I took off down the road when the south wind blowed,
A-travelin' with the wind at my back.

I blowed away, I blowed away
Chasin' a dust cloud up ahead.
Once it looked so green and fair, now it's up there in the air;
My Oklahoma farm is overhead.

Now I'm always close to home no matter where I roam,
For Oklahoma dust is everywhere.
Makes no difference where I'm walkin', I can hear my chickens squawkin'
I can hear my wife a-talkin' in the air.

It blowed away, it blowed away,
My Oklahoma home blowed away.
But my home is always near; it's in the atmosphere,
My Oklahoma home that blowed away.

I'm a roamin' Oklahoman, but I'm always close to home
And I'll never get homesick 'til I die.
No matter where I'm found, my home is all around;
My Oklahoma home is in the sky.

It blowed away, it blowed away,
My farm down upon the Cimarron.
But all around the world, wherever dust is whirled,
Some is from my Oklahoma home.

It blowed away, it blowed away,
My Oklahoma home blowed away.
Oh it's up there in the sky in that dust cloud rolling by, my Oklahoma home is blowed away.


About him: -

早前已經有朋友仔介紹過Bruce這張向Pete Seegar致敬的大碟,喜歡民歌的朋友不仿買隻來研究下:-

Souce: -


Bruce Springsteen / We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions


★工人皇帝向一代民謠先鋒傳奇巨擘Pete Seeger致敬專輯

此張專輯是一張向民謠先鋒彼特·西格(Pete Seeger)致敬的專輯,也是他發片至今第一張不是自己創作的專輯。此張大碟以西格先生為名,布魯斯史普林斯汀翻唱已經87歲的民謠先鋒傳奇/政治運動領袖/工運與環保鬥士西格先生多首知名歌曲,包括:《Old Dan Tucker》,《We Shall Overcome》,《Shenandoah》,《Erie Canal》和《Froggie Went A-Courtin》。彼特西格當年曾因歌詞內容涉及政治而被列入黑名單達數年之久,他並不因此而改變自己的立場,堅持為社會發聲,這一點與布魯斯史普林斯汀一直以來想要用音樂傳達給世界的理念不謀而合,也為這張專輯起了開端。也因為是一張致敬專輯,在專輯中他保有許多神似當年西格的編曲方式,大量採用空心吉他、斑鳩琴、鋼琴以及風琴,營造出一種祥和卻又相當草根的氛圍,雖是翻唱歌曲卻帶有濃厚布魯斯史普林斯汀的風格,整張專輯概念完整是一張難得而又表現傑出的致敬大碟。專輯加值收錄DVD,包括兩首歌曲-《Buffalo Gals》以及《How Can I Keep From Singing》還有30分鐘的專輯製作幕後花絮及六首歌曲演唱片段,特別的是專輯採用NTSC規格,另外還有整張專輯高音質立體聲的PCM數位格式呈現。


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