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發表時間: 2010-08-18 01:20
註冊日: 2006-04-29
來自: Hong Kong
發表數: 583
Mamie Smith - Crazy blues 第一首由黑人歌手灌錄嘅 Blues


Mamie Smith & her Jazz Hounds - Crazy blues (1920)

I can't sleep at night
I can't eat a bite
'cause the man I love
He don't treat me right.
He makes me feel so blue.
I don't know what to do.
Sometime I sit and sigh
And then begin to cry
'cause my best friend
Said his last goodbye.
There's a change in the ocean,
Change in the deep blue sea, my baby,
I'll tell yo,u folks, there ain't no change in me.
My love for that man will always be.
Now I can read his letters.
I sure can't read his mind.
I thought he's lovin' me.
He's leavin' all the time.
Now I see my poor love was blind.
Now I got the crazy blues since my baby went away.
I ain't got no time to lose.
I must find him today.
Now the doctor's gonna do all that he can.
But what you're gonna need is an undertaker man.
I ain't had nothin' but bad news.
Now I got the crazy blues.


發表時間: 2010-08-18 06:55
註冊日: 2006-04-29
來自: Hong Kong
發表數: 583
Mamie Smith - No Good Man



留意 0:15, 坐監嗰位黑人拉緊一件類似二胡嘅樂器, 有冇邊位知呢件嘢英文叫乜???


發表時間: 2010-08-18 09:08
註冊日: 2004-01-01
來自: N.T.
發表數: 682
Re: Mamie Smith - No Good Man
Dear Louis,

I believe that you are right. Indeed it is a homemade 二胡. About ten years ago, maybe more, in Hong Hong there was an English 二胡 blues player teaming up occasionally with another English blues guitarist Roy Stark. His homemade 二胡 was made with a section of a thick bamboo trunk. The pitch was rather high. This one obviously is made with a different material and the shape is rectangular, just like a Cigar Box guitar played by some blues players.

BTW, Roy Stark is still playing in Hong Kong ocasionally.

發表時間: 2010-08-18 16:59
註冊日: 2006-04-29
來自: Hong Kong
發表數: 583
Re: Mamie Smith - No Good Man

RodFoo 寫道:
Dear Louis,

I believe that you are right. Indeed it is a homemade 二胡. About ten years ago, maybe more, in Hong Hong there was an English 二胡 blues player teaming up occasionally with another English blues guitarist Roy Stark. His homemade 二胡 was made with a section of a thick bamboo trunk. The pitch was rather high. This one obviously is made with a different material and the shape is rectangular, just like a Cigar Box guitar played by some blues players.

BTW, Roy Stark is still playing in Hong Kong ocasionally.




估唔到 30 年代嘅 blues 已經引入二胡, 可能係因為 blues 與南音確有唔少異曲同工之處!!!


發表時間: 2011-09-15 00:56
註冊日: 2006-04-29
來自: Hong Kong
發表數: 583
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out - Bessie Smith 1929 (Set 1080p for the best quality)



Once I lived the life of a millionaire
Spending my money, I didn't care
I carried my friends out for a good time
Bying bootleg liquor, champagne and wine

Then I began to fall so low
I didn't have a friend, and no place to go
So if I ever get my hand on a dollar again
I'm gonna hold on to it till them eagle's green

Nobody knows you when you down and out
In my pocket not one penny
And my friends I haven't any
But If I ever get on my feet again
Then I'll meet my long lost friend
It's mighty strange, without a doubt
Nobody knows you when you down and out
I mean when you down and out

Mmmmmmmm.... when you're down and out
Mmmmmmmm... not one penny
And my friends I haven't any
Mmmmmmmm... Well I felt so low
Nobody wants me round their door
Mmmmmmmm... Without a doubt,
No man can use you wen you down and out
I mean when you down and out


發表時間: 2012-05-07 00:34
註冊日: 2006-04-29
來自: Hong Kong
發表數: 583
Inflation Blues - Louis Jordan 美版「加價熱潮」!!!



Now Mis-Mr. President
All your congressmen, too
You got me all frustrated
And I don't know what to do
I'm trying to make a dollar
Can't even save a cent
It takes all my money
Just to eat and pay my rent
That's why I got the blues
Got those inflation blues

I'm not one of those high brows
I'm average Joe to you
I came up eating cornbread
Candied yams and chicken stew
Now you take that paper dollar
It's only that in name
The way that paper buck has shrunk
It's a lowdown dirty shame
I got the blues
Got those inflation blues

Hey, Pres
Please cut the price of sugar
So I can make my coffee sweet
I like to smear some butter on my bread
And you kow I gotta have my meat
When you start rationing
You really played the game
The things are going up
And up and up and up and up
And my cheque remains the same
That's why I got the blues
Got those inflation blues

歌詞一針見血, 入心入肺, 名副其實嘅「連人帶話一齊來, 連束西帶話一齊來」, 一絕 !!!!!


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