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     世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world

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發表時間: 2006-03-25 01:02
註冊日: 2004-01-02
發表數: 305
世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world

We are the world
1985年7月13日,名為“拯救生命”的大型搖滾樂演唱會在英國倫敦和美國費城同時舉行。13日中午,演唱會先在倫敦威姆布萊體育場開幕.72000人出席了開幕式。兩小時後,美國費城約翰肯尼迪體育場的音樂會也宣布開始,共有9萬人觀看了演出。演出一直持續了16個小時,並通過全球通信衛星網絡向140多個國家播出了實況,估計總共吸引了近15億的電視觀眾。全世界100多位著名搖滾樂歌星參加了這次義演,他們之中有鮑博﹒迪倫、保爾﹒麥卡特尼、布魯斯﹒斯普林斯廷、蒂娜﹒特納、艾爾頓﹒約翰、 邁克﹒傑克遜…… WL,d?
這一天,整個世界都洋溢著無私的感情。這場大型搖滾樂演唱會的組織者、愛爾蘭籍歌星鮑勃?格爾多夫(Bob Geldof)無限感慨地說,“這不是一次流行音樂會,也不是一次電視演出,而是對人的拯救。”他的誠心感動了其他的歌星,要知道,想把那些狂放不羈、我行我素印歌星們組織到一起絕不是一件容易的事兒。格爾多夫事後回憶說:“義演前的好幾個晚上,我在床上輾轉反側,不能入睡。極度的擔心和各種古怪的念頭折磨著我,使我痛苦萬分,渾身浸透了冷汗。我們同任何一位歌星都沒有簽訂合同,我們有的只是他們答應來的允諾。”但是,那些被人們普遍認為頹廢、放盪、荒唐的搖滾歌星們(鮑勃?格爾多夫自己就曾因玩世不恭而引起人們非議)終於都來了,他們緊密贗漚崞鵠矗餐瓿閃蘇庖煥返淖塵佟T諮莩嶸希」齦櫳敲親詈篤叱鷚衾只岬鬧魈飧琛段頤鞘鞘瀾紜罰員硎舅槍餐男腦?? a?Z?
"我們是世界,我們是世界的孩子,我們是創造光明的人,讓我們伸出救援之手,我們在拯救自己的生命……" ?|?
  這次大型搖滾樂義演活動獲得了巨大的成功,一共為掙紮在飢荒中的非洲災民募集到5 000多萬美元的巨款。搖滾歌星們完成了靠政治家喋喋不休的演說和國際會議沒完沒了的討論所根本完成不了的壯舉 。。。。

群星 - We are the world
USA for Africa written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie

There comes a time when we heed a certain call (Lionel Richie)
When the world must come together as one (Lionel Richie & Stevie Wonder)
There are people dying (Stevie Wonder)
Oh, and it"s time to lend a hand to life (Paul Simon)
The greatest gift of all (Paul Simon & Kenny Rogers)
We can"t go on pretending day by day (Kenny Rogers)
That someone, somehow will soon make a change (James Ingram)
We"re all a part of God"s great big family (Tina Turner)
And the truth (Billy Joel)
You know love is all we need (Tina Turner & Billy Joel)
We are the world, we are the children (Chorus)
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving (Michael Jackson)
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives (Diana Ross)
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me (Michael Jackson & Diana Ross)
Well, send""em you your heart so they know that someone cares (Dionne Warwick)
And their lives will be stronger and free (Dionne Warwick & Willie Nelson)
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread (Willie Nelson)
And so we all must lend a helping hand (Al Jurreau)
We are the world, we are the children (Bruce Springsteen)(Chorus)
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving (Kenny Logins)
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives (Steve Perry)
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me (Daryl Hall)
When you"re down and out there seems no hope at all (Michael Jackson)
But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall (Huey Lewis)
Well, well, well, let"s realize that a change can only come (Cyndi Lauper)
When we (Kim Carnes)
stand together as one (Kim Carnes & Cyndi Lauper & Huey Lewis)
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me
We are the world,we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me
We are the world(We are the world),we are the children(we are the children)
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving(so let"s start giving)
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me
We are the world(We are the world),we are the children(we are the children)
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving(so let"s start giving)
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me
We are the world,we are the children(are the children)
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving(so let"s start giving)
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me
We are the world(We are the world),we are the children
發表時間: 2006-03-25 06:16
註冊日: 2004-02-26
來自: Central
發表數: 1081
Re: 世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world
Yes, we love this song and that we picked it as the final group singing song for Victoria Park Folk Show on 17 Dec 2004. You can watch our folk version from the related website. I still remembered that 10 days after our show that happened the "Asian Tsunami"on 26 Dec 2004, most of the TV and Radio used this song to arouse public attention about this disaster.

I would like to share another song like the purpose is similar is 1984 "Do they know its Christmas" which is written by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure. After that we had our wonder Band Aid concert. This song is sung by a group of British Singers like
Adam Clayton (U2)
Phil Collins
Bob Geldof
Steve Norman (Spandau Ballet)
Chris Cross (Ultravox)
John Taylor (Duran Duran)
Paul Young
Tony Hadley (Spandau Ballet)
Glenn Gregory (Heaven 17)
Simon Le Bon (Duran Duran)
Simon Crowe
Keren Woodward (Bananarama)
Martin Kemp (Spandau Ballet)
Jody Watley
Bono (U2)
Paul Weller
James Taylor
George Michael
Midge Ure (Ultravox)
Martin Ware (Heaven 17)
John Keeble (Spandau Ballet)
Gary Kemp (Spandau Ballet)
Roger Taylor (Duran Duran)
Sarah Dullin (Bananarama)
Siobhan Fahey (Bananarama)
Peter Briquette
Francis Rossi (Status Quo)
Robert 'Kool' Bell
Dennis Thomas
Andy Taylor (Duran Duran)
Jon Moss (Culture Club)
Rick Parfitt (Status Quo)
Nick Rhodes (Duran Duran)
Johnny Fingers
David Bowie
Boy George
Holly Johnson (Frankie Goes to Hollywood)
Paul McCartney

The Lyrics is :
It's Christmastime,
there's no need to be afraid
At Christmastime,
we let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of plenty
we can spread a smile of joy
Throw your arms around the world
at Christmastime

But say a prayer,
pray for the other ones
At Christmastime it's hard,
but when you're having fun
There's a world outside your window,
and it's a world of dread and fear
Where the only water flowing
is the bitter sting of tears
And the Christmas bells that ring there
are the clanging chimes of doom
Well tonight thank God it's them
instead of you

And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime
The greatest gift they'll get this year is life(Oooh)
Where nothing ever grows
No rain or rivers flow
Do they know it's Christmastime at all?

Here's to you raise a glass for everyone
Here's to them underneath that burning sun
Do they know it's Christmastime at all?

Feed the world
Feed the world
Feed the world
Let them know it's Christmastime again

Feed the world
Let them know it's Christmastime again

May be someone like King of MP3 Chris can help to upload this song here that everyone can share!!

Enjoy it!!!

發表時間: 2006-03-25 16:04
註冊日: 2003-12-21
來自: 音樂村
發表數: 1239
Re: 世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world
Dear Frankie,

The song was uploaded in CW before, but because of the copyright issue, now we can't hear them any more.

Please refer to the previous topic in CW

Live Aid DVD

The following are my topics in my web last year.

Band Aid - Do They Know It’s Christmas

USA For Africa - We Are The World
發表時間: 2006-03-25 19:24
註冊日: 2006-01-01
發表數: 439
Re: 世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world
等我share首華語的World Feel歌吧~ 幾正嫁~

台灣有咁多R&B歌手,先玩得起呢d歌~ (好似張惠妹、陶吉吉等o係首歌堶扈u係Jam得勁正)唔知香港歌手得唔得呢?

蔡琴: 這世界 乍看之下有點灰
王力宏: 你微笑的臉有些疲憊
許茹芸: 抬起頭天空就要亮起來
孫燕姿: 不要放棄你的希望和期待
周華健/林慧萍: 沙漠中的一滴淚 化成綠洲的湖水
伍思凱: 真心若能被看見 夢會實現
庾澄慶: 手牽手我的朋友
庾澄慶/李心潔: 愛永遠在你左右
張信哲/順子: 不要再恐懼 絕不要放棄 這一切將會渡過
吳宗憲: 因為你和我陶晶瑩: 才有明天的彩虹
B.A.D: 手牽手我的朋友
Energy: 愛永遠在你左右
張宇: 這一刻 不要躲在害怕後面
蕭亞軒: 這個世界需要多一點信念
蔡依林: 那塵埃 不會真的將你打敗
江蕙: 你將會意外生命的光采
蘇芮/游鴻明: 風雨過去那一天 悲傷就要停下來
動力火車: 感覺你身邊的愛它存在
張清芳/范逸臣: 手牽手我的朋友 愛永遠在你左右
周杰倫/張惠妹: 不要再恐懼 絕不要放棄 這一切將會渡過
張惠妹: 因為你和我 才有明天的彩虹
王力宏: 我的手 握著溫暖的火種
陶吉吉: 散發一點光和熱就看到笑容
徐若瑄: 手牽手我的朋友
信樂團: 愛永遠在你左右
Tension: 不要再恐懼 絕不要放棄
迪克牛仔: 這一切將會渡過
庾澄慶/彭佳慧: 因為你和我 才有明天的彩虹
手牽手我的朋友 愛永遠在你左右 不要再恐懼 絕不要放棄
合唱: 這一切將會渡過 因為你和我 才有明天的彩虹
李玟 Machi: 手牽手我的朋友
李玟 S.H.E: 愛永遠在你左右
可米小子: 手牽手一起渡過
周渝民/朱孝天: 愛永遠在你左右 手牽手我的朋友
愛永遠在你左右 不要再恐懼 絕不要放棄
這一切將會渡過 牽著我的手 看見明天的彩虹
合唱: 手牽手我的朋友 愛永遠在你左右
手牽手一起渡過 愛永遠在你左右
陶吉吉/王力宏: 手牽手我的朋友
發表時間: 2006-03-25 22:33
註冊日: 2003-12-13
來自: 八十年代的青韻民歌組
發表數: 2030
Re: 世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world

不如又重鄐@鵀b2004年12月11日的維園Folk聲匯2 -大合唱: Teach Your Children & We're The World片段,仲有係Back to Folk 86 ending 都係唱We're The World,多謝PPM報料。

網頁:YouTube Link

發表時間: 2006-11-03 01:38
註冊日: 2006-01-01
發表數: 439
Re: 世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world
這是香港版的We Are The World:

發表時間: 2006-11-03 01:45
註冊日: 2003-12-09
來自: 結他
發表數: 1325
Re: 世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world
>> 總覺得無論歌詞、唱功,都比原版遜色不少

Danny 兄:


發表時間: 2006-11-03 10:22
註冊日: 2005-05-04
來自: Maldives
發表數: 664
Re: 世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world

PhantomGTR 寫道:
>> 總覺得無論歌詞、唱功,都比原版遜色不少

Danny 兄:

發表時間: 2006-11-06 01:33
註冊日: 2004-01-02
發表數: 305
Re: 世界巨星合唱绝版MV-We are the world
兩日前在香港唱片見到We are the world複刻了DVD,各位如想擁有而唔係在網上睇的,不妨到尖沙咀搵搵..
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