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01. 推廣民歌 : 2023.11.04 (六) - 香港友Folk 2023 民歌馬拉松
發表者 阿添 於 2023-10-05 11:43:48 (170 人氣)
01. 推廣民歌

For more updates and details: https://fb.me/e/99zas8PZm

That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for







That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Thank you sincerely for walking with "Hong Kong Folk Club" for the wonderful nineteen years!

Whenever we sing folk songs together, a special feeling and excitement always well up in our hearts. Folk songs, as treasures of our culture, embody deep emotions and traces of history. In this process, we deeply appreciate the true value of friendship, which can endure in our hearts.

When we sing folk songs together with friends, the voices are like leaping strings, tightly connecting us. We share the emotions in the lyrics, and together experience the passion and motivation that music brings. Within the leaps of the notes, we feel the warmth and power of friendship. When we face difficulties or adversity, a group of folk song friends always reach out a helping hand, accompanying us through tough times. Perhaps, this is the true essence represented by "Hong Kong Folk."

"Hong Kong Folk Club," as a local grassroots non-profit organization since 2005, upholds the mission of promoting folk songs and has been organizing free large-scale music events for nineteen consecutive years. This persistence stems from the love and deep emotions that we, as a group of friends, have for folk songs. Everyone not only provides financial assistance, but also contributes in their own ways, aiming to pass on this musical treasure of folk songs. As a timeless music genre, folk songs not only embody the elegance and timeless beauty of classical compositions, but also contain the simple and natural human qualities that resonate warmly with the listeners. Therefore, folk songs still hold an important place in the hearts of many people.

Thanks to the blessings from above, our community has successfully overcome the challenges of the pandemic. This year, the organizing committee has once again decided to hold the concert outdoors, and has received strong support from the "Ching Wan Folk Song Group" under the "HKFYG," successfully securing the beautiful performance venue at Stanley Plaza. As always, we have invited 21 outstanding music groups from both local and international scenes to volunteer for performances, with a duration of over 8 hours. We look forward to enjoying the refreshing sea breeze at Stanley, while once again experiencing the joy of singing folk songs together face to face.

We sincerely invite you to join us at Stanley Plaza on Saturday, 4 November 2023, at 11:00 am, to sing along with us! 🥰


列印模式 轉寄給朋友
發表者 樹狀展開
發表日: 2023-10-05 11:46  更新: 2023-10-05 11:46
註冊日: 2003-12-08
來自: 錦上路
發表數: 4329
 Re: 2023.11.04 (六) - 香港友Folk 2023 民歌馬拉松
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