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21st Hong Kong Folk Festival
21st Hong Kong Folk Festival
Friday evening 19 November, from 8 p.m.: Upstairs at Delaney's (Wanchai). A concert featuring the overseas artists, in a nice folky pub atmosphere. Admission $120
Saturday 20th: Live-to-air radio concert at RTHK studios, Broadcast Drive, Kowloon. Admission by donation to Operation Santa Claus. Recommended minimum donation $100. 6.30, for a broadcast starting at 7 pm
Sunday 21st: The "Main Event", from 12.30 to 7 pm at the Mariners' Club, Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. Admission $150; students $80
For tickets, email papper@netvigator.com or write to HKFS, G.P.O.Box 4370 Hong Kong
Source: - HK Folk Society http://www.hkfs.org/Festival.htm
比賽日期:(初賽)2004年11月13日及20(星期六) 比賽日期:(決賽)2003年12月16日(星期四)
比賽時間:(初賽)上午8時至下午6時 比賽時間:(決賽)下午2時至5時
比賽地點:(初賽)將軍澳匯知中學禮堂 比賽地點:(決賽)理工大學賽馬會綜藝館