誰在線上 |
線上目前共305人 (303人在瀏覽青韻行事曆)
會員: 0 訪客: 305
尚有... |
Below is the rundown of the coming '樂聚葵青民歌馬拉松' on 3.12.06 (Sunday) at: - 葵青劇院廣場 next to the Kwai Fong MTR Station...... 3:00 Sapphire 3:30 Band Natural 4:00 MusicBuds 4:30 Ching Wan 5:00 Martini 5:30 Young Strings 6:00 Tri's Hi's 6:30 Fillys 7:00 Henry & Richard 7:30 M.A.D 8:00 D.E.F 8:30 Capital & Group Ending Singing (California Dreaming & Country Roads) You are welcome to come earlier to support us & please do reply if you will join us at the group ending singing......