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Jim & Ingrid Croce - Bombs Over Putero Rico
引文: PPM 寫道: 1969年Jim Croce兩夫婦灌錄既一張唱片, folk味好重.而家重新再已CD發行 (不過香港唔知仲有冇賣), 好多年前我都有此黑膠.......
Tim 仔應該整番隻做collection啦, CD封面及封底我post左去青韻照相館處. Tim仔可否detail d教我呢件電腦白痴點樣直接貼上圖片在此欄 ^_^
Song list :
1. Age 2. Soin, Spin, Spin 3. I am who I am 4. What do people do 5. Another day, another town, 6. Vespers 7. Big wheel 8. Just another day 9. The next man that I marry 10. What the hell 11. The man that is me
最後更新:2004-01-12 21:18
評分:0.00 (0)
評論: 0